Nicki Minaj Praise ‘Greatest Lyricist’ Eminem, Ranks Him In Her Top 3

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Nicki Minaj Praise 'Greatest Lyricist' Eminem, Ranks Him In Her Top 3

Nicki Minaj calls herself and Eminem the greatest lyricists alive.

Nicki Minaj shows some love for Eminem as she praises him in her recent Stationhead Stream. During the stream, she crowned the Detroit rapper in her Top 3 and called herself & Eminem two of the greatest lyricists.

“Eminem is in my Top 3,” she said. “I have to be honest. Because people who rap fast and you can clearly hear what they are saying and in addition to that it is a motherf–king punchline or double entendre that you now have to go back and listen again to understand both ways that he said it while saying it one way… The consistency of knowing his fanbase, the consistency of making a hit record.”

She continued, “Eminem and I are the two of the greatest lyricists of all time that are alive, not that I’m putting myself on Eminem’s level because Eminem was in the generation before me and just like Lil Wayne, I would never, ever put myself in the same sentence as them when I know that I was sitting home listening to them, being inspired and creating my own sound.”

“Eminem brought back to the concept of the song being called ‘Majesty’ & instead of calling himself the King, then he said ‘The Queen and her husband, one thing you never wanna be is our subject’ and then I come back on the song. That sh-t is so f–king hard.”

The two previously collaborated on songs like “Majesty” off the 2018 album “Queen”, and “Roman’s Revenge” off the 2010 album “Pink Friday.”

Nicki Minaj Says Eminem Inspired Her To Write Another Verse on “Roman’s Revenge”

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