LL Cool J Interviews Eminem on ‘Influence of Hip-Hop’ Show on Rock The Bells

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LL Cool J Interviews Eminem on 'Influence of Hip-Hop' Show on Rock The Bells

On “Rock The Bells” new “Influence of Hip-Hop” broadcast, LL Cool J interviews Eminem.

Last month, LL Cool J announced that he will be interviewing Eminem on the First Episode of his new show ‘Influence of Hip-Hop’ on SiriusXM Channel, Rock The Bells Radio. Along with DJ Z-Trip, LL got down with Slim Shady to talk about his signing with Dr. Dre, the composition process behind “Stan,” the importance of hip-hop, and more.

The full interview aired today where Eminem talks about how he started to get into rap around the age of 11, his first rhymes, being a white boy in Detroit, winning rap battles against the best, the turning point early in his career, how he wrote record like ‘Stan‘, achieving what he is today, his last year’s album ‘Revival‘ and much more.

At the turn of the century, Eminem spoke of not knowing how to react to his meteoric rise to popularity. “When I first got in the game, I didn’t understand a lot of sh*t. If you were walking outside the venue outside the show and took some pictures, there’s always going to be someone you’re not going to get to. It was my first experience with it,” Em told. “I didn’t understand it. I think it was a combination of what I was going through at that time and experiencing fame for the first time.

The 45-year-old recalled on how he became interested in hip-hop as a timid kid growing up in Detroit, “It was something about the music that spoke to me. It was so new and refreshing. It just felt empowering. I don’t know, it just spoke to me as a kid. I absolutely wanted to be like [LL Cool J] as a kid. I wanted to be like Run-DMC.”

Check out the full one-hour interview below and also stream the new Eminem album ‘Kamikaze’ Here.

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